Top five ways to declutter your Small Apartment

Keeping a small house/apartment organized and tidy is a lot harder than it seems to be, but it is essential that you do so. We asked our Removals to Germany experts to suggest 5 easy ways to keep small space clutter free and tidy. Here’s what they say can help:

Removals to Germany

Make use of storage containers: In order to keep your place clutter free and organized, using the right storage container is crucial. Mostly people think that their apartment/house is so small that fitting a cabinet or a desk is not going to help. But if you don’t purchase the right storage materials, things are going to stack up quickly in your house. It is important that you get the right quantity of storage containers installed into your apartment/house so that you can keep it tidy and clean.

Use furniture as storage: It works as a great space saving technique. If you are in the market shopping for new furniture such as a bed, look for the one that has drawers underneath. You can make use of those drawers to store newspapers, bed-sheets, magazines and all other additional items.

Add decorations/storage vertically to you rooms: In smaller houses/apartments it is crucial that that you maximize all the available space. Rather than adding storage spaces horizontally across your rooms, try and fit a shelf vertically. You can store your books by hanging a shelf on one of the walls of your study or living room.

Get rid of all the extra stuff

This can be really helpful. Mostly we don’t need all the extra piles of paper we have been saving over the years. It’s recommended that you shred all the paper that you have been saving with you and that is not going to be of any use.

One day at a time: People are often found complaining that they don’t have much time during the day to organize their place.  You can keep your place clutter free by just investing 10-15 mins daily to clean up the stuff that has piled up across your house.